Yeah , that's what I'm saying . Some friends , some parents be best friends with . Like , so you might come up like they do lie .
So what are some non negotiables ? Just like in past friendships ? You were like , I would never go through that again .
Well , we know even my sister imagine you would like to do this because they know me , they know like what I , what I , what I represent what I , you know , so yall might ask for the surface level stuff and of course , that's not something to go back on , back and forth , whatever . But like , I think it's good to have the friends that when you really don't know what to do because you have to be able to trust them and they could hold you accountable . You surround yourself with good people .
But then the second girl comes and tells her side of the story and she was like , um , she just addressed every single bullet point and there's like three , I think . And so first about the close friends because I guess they were all hanging out together as a group . And then she was just like , oh , I followed everybody after that night and added everyone to my close friends .
I lo I love like what the fry stand for and even like , you know , bring , bringing us together man . You know , like that's what it's all about and just , you know , that friendship man . And um , yeah , you know , I wish , I wish I could have had the opportunity today but , you know , it wasn't my calling but , you know , iiiii , I went , I went through later and , you know , I'm appreciative of it .